Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association's vision is farmers actively seeking, testing and adopting optimal farm production and stewardship practices.
Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, OSCIA is delivering the Honey Bee Health Initiative, cost-share funding program to support beekeepers in maintaining healthy bee colonies and increasing the sustainability of the beekeeping industry in Ontario.
Thank you for your interest. Due to high demand, this Initiative is now fully subscribed and applications are no longer being accepted.
Donât miss the 2025 Annual General Meeting & MicroSmart Deep Dive!
Join OSCIA in Kingston on February 4-5, 2025 for the AGM and MicroSmart Deep Dive! This exciting 2-day learning event will deliver OSCIA updates, networking opportunities and learning sessions on soil health and micronutrients. Weâre bringing in technical experts from across Ontario and beyond to answer your practical questions about making micronutrients work for you. Get your tickets today!
Join us virtually on February 6, 2025 between 9AM-12PM for our Annual ONFARM Research Forum!
Since 2019, the ONFARM program has completed extensive soil health and water quality analysis on farms across Ontario to build a stronger understanding of best management practices (BMPs) and their effect on soil health and water quality. Originally a four-year program, ONFARM was renewed until 2028.
Weâre thrilled to announce that our new Membership Platform is now live and available for use on the OSCIA Portal!
The OSCIA members will enjoy seamless access to the membership platform directly through osciaportal.org, eliminating the need to create and maintain separate login credentials across different OSCIA platforms. The membership platform has received substantial user interface enhancements, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. The members will experience improved performance, providing faster and smoother experience.
Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program
Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, as part of the Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Initiative, OSCIA is delivering the Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP), a funding program to support Ontario farmers in making their agricultural lands more productive and resilient.
Intake Open Date: June 3, 2024 9:00 am ET
This initiative is in high demand and is close to fully subscribed.
Now available for viewing!
EFP Modernization Report
During Program Year 1 (2023-2024) of the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP), the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) commissioned a stakeholder consultation process to garner feedback on future EFP Modernization activities. This consultation included initial stakeholder meetings, a survey, interviews with commodity organizations, and follow up sessions. The results are compiled in the Environmental Farm Plan Modernization Consultations Final Report â July 2024.
Who we are
Welcome to the OSCIA website. We are a unique not-for-profit farm organization that has a significant presence in all agricultural areas of the province and across all major sectors. We are leaders in producer education, association development, stewardship program delivery, and support consumer outreach.
Learn more about OSCIA events across the province that bring people together to demonstrate new technologies, share knowledge on innovations and management strategies.
OSCIA has a deep-rooted history in delivering workshops and webinars to Ontarioâs farming community, supporting farmers with the knowledge and information they need to be successful. In addition, local events are hosted across Ontario by, or in partnership with, Regional and Local Soil and Crop Associations to draw farmers together, sharing knowledge strategies for improving soil health and crop production.
Environmental Farm Plan and Biosecurity workshops are available now under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP). See the calendar for dates and register now.
OSCIA delivers several cost-share funding programs that support Ontarioâs farmers in implementing best management and sustainability practices on their farms.
Program information for the Ontario On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) is available on the electronic Program Guide at:Â programguides.ontariosoilcrop.org.
The MSTS includes a 7âx10â high-resolution weather-proof screen, portable speakers and audio, mobile soil lab, and more! You can reserve the MSTS for field days, compaction or soil health events, and weigh clinics.
A KSE is a networking opportunity where producers benefit from the latest research, as well as access to information networks or resources supporting long-term implementation of BMPs specific to addressing climate change challenges.
The Living Laboratories Initiative is an integrated approach to agricultural innovation that brings farmers, scientists, and other partners together to co-develop, test, and monitor new practices and technologies in a real-life context.
The Farmland Health Check-Up (FHCU) is an opportunity to work with a CCA or P.Ag. in your area to assess risks to on-farm soil health and water quality.
OSCIA has been delivering the Canada-Ontario Environmental Farm Plan for almost 30 years. The educational workbook spans 10 provinces and two territories.
The On-Farm Applied Research and Monitoring (ONFARM) program is an applied research initiative that supports soil health and water quality research on farms across Ontario. ONFARM is supported by a network of farmer cooperators, who are essential to the success of this program.