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Guelph ON N1H 7K9





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Field Staff

OSCIA Field Representatives support the delivery of incentive programs to Ontario farmers through farmer outreach and engagement. They also lead educational workshops and webinars including the Environmental Farm Plan and commodity specific biosecurity workshops and webinars. Client Services Staff are located throughout all regions of the province. Do you have question about workshop opportunities in your area? Use the search locations below to find a field representative in your area.

Robin Brown
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Peterborough, Prince Edward, Hastings and Lennox & Addington, Northumberland, Durham, Victoria, York, Halton, Peel

Rudy Buitenhuis
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Algoma, Rainy River, Sudbury West, Thunder Bay, Temiskaming, Kenora, Parry Sound – East Nipissing, Muskoka, West Nipissing - East Sudbury, Manitoulin

Caylie Corvinelli
Service à la clientèle (bilingue)
Field Representative (Bilingual)

Prescott, Lanark, Glengarry, Frontenac, Renfrew, Russell, Ottawa Carleton, Dundas, Grenville, Stormont, Leeds

Cathy Dibble
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Oxford, Perth, Middlesex, Wellington, Elgin, Waterloo, Brant, Hamilton - Wentworth

Barb Keith
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Lanark, Prescott, Glengarry, Frontenac, Russell, Renfrew, Dundas, Ottawa Carleton, Grenville, Stormont, Leeds

Margaret May
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Oxford, Chatham-Kent, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Lambton, Elgin, Niagara Peninsula, Brant, Thames Valley, Haldimand

Jennifer Nash
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Prince Edward, Hastings and Lennox & Addington, Northumberland

Claude Péloquin
Service à la clientèle (bilingue)
Field Representative (Bilingual)

Algoma, Rainy River, Thunder Bay, Sudbury West, Kenora, Temiskaming, Parry Sound – East Nipissing, Muskoka, West Nipissing - East Sudbury, Manitoulin

Joanne Sanderson
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Oxford, Chatham-Kent, Norfolk, Essex, Middlesex, Elgin, Niagara Peninsula, Lambton, Brant, Haldimand

Wayne Shier
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Perth, Bruce, Grey, Huron, Wellington, Simcoe, Dufferin, Waterloo, Hamilton - Wentworth

Lois Sinclair
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Bruce, Perth, Grey, Huron, Wellington, Simcoe, Waterloo, Dufferin, Hamilton - Wentworth

Kristian Stephens
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Wellington, Waterloo, Dufferin, York, Halton, Peel

Nancy Van Sas
Service à la clientèle
Field Representative

Oxford, Chatham-Kent, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Lambton, Elgin, Niagara Peninsula, Brant, Haldimand

Office Staff

OSCIA Provincial Office Staff have a wealth of expertise and experience. They collaborate with industry professionals and government bodies to service Ontario’s farm community in a non-biased way that supports all sectors with a goal of improving Ontario agriculture. Our staff work behind the scenes to ensure successful delivery of stewardship programs and to support the activities of local members.

Sara Lin Barron
Directrice de programmes
Director of Programs

Kelly Carmichael
Spécialiste en mobilisation des connaissances
Knowledge Mobilization Specialist

Alex Cichello
Analyst de programmes
Programs Analyst

James Cober
Spécialiste des données de recherche
Research Data Specialist

Jordyn Domio
Analyste de programmes
Programs Analyst

Paul Frayne
Coordonnateur des programmes
Programs Coordinator

Laura Hamilton
Gestionnaire des relations avec les intervenants
Stakeholder Relations Manager

Melanie Hunter
Responsible des services à la clientèle
Field Services Manager

Ritika Kukreti
Analyste de programmes
Programs Analyst

Anastassia Lagounova
Analyste de programmes
Programs Analyst

Samantha Lyon
Coordonnatrice des programmes
Programs Coordinator

Stacey McCarthy
Coordonnatrice des événements et des communications
Events and Communications Coordinator

Kathleen Pentland
Coordonnatrice de bureau
Office Coordinator

Gabriella Visontai Perry
Directrice informatique
Director of Information Technology

Owen Ricker
Responsable des relations agriculteurs-recherche
Farmer Engagement and Research Liaison

Emily Rogers
Responsable de l'assurance qualité des programmes
Programs Quality Assurance Officer

Angela Straathof
Directrice de la recherche et du transfert des connaissances
Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer

Olivia Wallace
Analyste de programmes
Programs Analyst


OSCIA delivers several cost-share funding programs that support Ontario’s farmers in implementing best management and sustainability practices on their farms.

Living Lab – Ontario Program

Nature Smart Climate Readiness Program

Sustainable Agricultural Partnership

Grassroots Research Grants

Ontario On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)

Farmland Health Check-Up (FHCU)

On-Farm Applied Research and Monitoring (ONFARM)

Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP)

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands (SARPAL)

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Past-President and three Vice-Presidents (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and is responsible to act on powers delegated by the Board.

Julie Henderson
Directeur exécutif par intérim
Interim Executive Director

Brady Jones
3e vice-président
3rd Vice-President

Phil Oegema
Ancien président
Past President

John Poel
2e vice-président
2nd Vice-President

Eleanor Renaud
Président 2025
2025 President

Andy Van Niekerk
1er vice-président
1st Vice-President

Board of Directors

The provincial Board of Directors is comprised of one elected Regional Director from each region, plus the President and Past President (13 in total) and have general charge of the affairs of the Association.

Shawn Brenneman
Directeur provincial
Provincial Director

St. Clair

Dr. Robert Corry
Représentant de l'Université de Guelph
University of Guelph Representative

Kerrie Jenken
Directrice provinciale
Provincial Director

Thames Valley

Peter Johnson
Président d'honneur
Honourary President

Brady Jones
Directeur provincial
Provincial Director

East Central

Birgit Martin
Directrice provinciale
Provincial Director

North Eastern Ontario

Jeannette Mongeon
Directrice provinciale
Provincial Director

Eastern Valley

Deanna Nemeth
Représentante du MAAARO
OMAFRA Representative

John Poel
Directeur provincial
Provincial Director


Eleanor Renaud
Directrice provinciale
Provincial Director

Ottawa Rideau

Dave Schraa
Directrice provinciale
Provincial Director

North Western Ontario

Gord Speksnijder
Directeur provincial
Provincial Director


Allan Thompson
Directeur provincial
Provincial Director

Golden Horseshoe

Andy Van Niekerk
Directeur provincial
Provincial Director

Georgian Central

Local Contacts

Our local contacts represent each individual local association and work to provide events and information to local members. Use the location search below to find the Local Secretary for your area!

Elliott Armstrong
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Krista Bates
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Matt Beischlag
Président local
Local President


Harry Bennett
Président local
Local President


Adam Bent
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Marc Bercier
Président local
Local President


Aaron Bowman
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Matt Bowman
Président local
Local President


Abbie Brander
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Andrew Brekveld
Présidente locale
Local President

Thunder Bay

Alex Briscoe
Président local
Local President


Kris Bryan 
Présidente locale
Local President


Jim Buck
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Jeff Burke
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer

Thunder Bay

Deb Campbell
Président local
Local President


Tyler Carruthers 
Présidente locale
Local President


Valerie Charbonneau
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Bryan Cook
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Nicole Cross
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Brian Currie
Président local
Local President


Francois Delorme
Président local
Local President

West Nipissing - East Sudbury

Sharon Devine
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Cathy Dibble
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Michael Dick
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Greg Dowling
Président local
Local President


Julia Downey
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary

Ottawa Carleton

Derek Dupuis
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Harriet Duynisveld
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Tim Eady
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Keith Albert Emiry 
Président local
Local President

Sudbury West

Emma Epp
Présidente locale
Local President

Essex, St. Clair

Thomas Farrell
Président local
Local President


Wim Feddes
Président local
Local President


Mary Feldskov
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Dave Fisher
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


John Forbes
Président local
Local President

Parry Sound – East Nipissing

Justin Gaudet
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary

Sudbury West

Micha Gerber
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary

Rainy River

Bryan Gibson
Président local
Local President


Barbara-Ann Glaude
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Kevin Glaude
Présidente locale
Local President


Donald Gordon
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Ed Hanson
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Ross Hawkins
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Kim Hessels-Glenney
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Wray Holmes
Présidente locale
Local President


Wesley Honey
Président local
Local President


Leigh Hudson-Taylor
Président local
Local President

Ottawa Carleton

Brooklyn Johnston
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Steve Jones
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Ryan Kennes
Président local
Local President


James Kingsbury
Président local
Local President


Tracey Kloepfer-Court
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Ashley Knapton
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Marc Laflèche
Président local
Local President


Peter Lambrick
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Eric Lawlor
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Derrick Leclair
Président local
Local President


Tyler Lester
Président local
Local President

Prince Edward

Lawrence Levesque
Président local
Local President


Johanna Lindeboom
Président local
Local President

Hamilton - Wentworth

Brian MacDonald
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


John MacLachlan
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary

Parry Sound – East Nipissing

Mike MacLean
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Bonnie Marriott
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Jim Martin
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Brandy Matheson
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Margaret May
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Brandi McCabe
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Jim McComb
Président local
Local President

Hastings and Lennox & Addington

Michael McGee
Président local
Local President


Kaye McLagan
Présidente locale
Local President


John McNaughton
Président local
Local President


Mat Mcquillen
Président local
Local President


Kurtis McRae
Président local
Local President


Jess Menkhorst
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Ross Miller
Président local
Local President


Ken Mitchell
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Allen Mosley
Président local
Local President


Tracy Myers
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Tom Parker
Président local
Local President


Tom Patterson
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Peter Peeters
Président local
Local President


Chris Reed
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Carole-Anne Regele
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Eleanor Renaud
Président local
Local President


Nathan Renkema
Présidente locale
Local President


Matthieu Roberge
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary

West Nipissing - East Sudbury

Cathy Robins
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary

Niagara Peninsula

Marc Saumure
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Joe Schonberger
Président local
Local President

Niagara Peninsula

Kelsey Shalla-Hill
Trésorière locale
Local Treasurer

Ottawa Carleton

Lani Skene
Présidente locale
Local President


Joe Sletmoen
Président local
Local President

Rainy River

Donna Small
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Terry Small
Président local
Local President


Lorie Smith
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Shane Smith
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer

Hastings and Lennox & Addington

Patricia (Patti) Stacey
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary

Prince Edward

Dylan Stajkowski
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary

Thunder Bay

Jeff Strenzke
Présidente locale
Local President


Linda Synder
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Kristen Taylor
Présidente locale
Local President


Harrison Todd
Trésorier local
Local Treasurer


Dave Trivers
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Paul Vogel
Président local
Local President


Diane Wiber
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary


Peter Wiebe
Secrétaire local
Local Secretary


Michelle Young
Secrétaire locale
Local Secretary

Hamilton - Wentworth

Regional Contacts

Regional contacts oversee multiple local associations in their region to host events and deliver current news.   Use the location search below to find the Regional Communication Coordinator for your area!

Shawn Brenneman
Présidente régionale
Regional President

St. Clair

Scott Banks
Secrétaire régionale
Regional Secretary

Ottawa Rideau

Scott Banks
Trésorière régionale
Regional Treasurer

Ottawa Rideau

Jeff Burke
Secrétaire régional
Regional Secretary

North Western Ontario

Jeff Burke
Trésorier régional
Regional Treasurer

North Western Ontario

Michel Champagne
Secrétaire régional
Regional Secretary

North Eastern Ontario

Anèl Dannhauser
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator


Anèl Dannhauser
Secrétaire régionale
Regional Secretary


Marian Desjardine
Trésorière régionale
Regional Treasurer

Thames Valley

Marian Desjardine
Secrétaire régionale
Regional Secretary

Thames Valley

Cathy Dibble
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

Thames Valley

Brandon Dietrich
Présidente régionale
Regional President

Georgian Central

Blake Ellis 
Coordonnatrice régionale des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

St. Clair

Jason Ferguson
Président régional
Regional President

East Central

Mark Fraser
Président régional
Regional President

Eastern Valley

Craig Gregson
Président régional
Regional President

Thames Valley

Rachel Kehoe
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

North Western Ontario

Peter Lambrick
Trésorier régional
Regional Treasurer

Golden Horseshoe

Holly Loucas
Président régional
Regional President

Golden Horseshoe

Jim McComb
Président régional
Regional President


Alex McRae
Président régional
Regional President

North Eastern Ontario

Neil Moore
Coordonnatrice régionale des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

East Central

Neil Moore
Secrétaire régional
Regional Secretary

East Central

Tracy Myers
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

Eastern Valley

Tracy Myers
Secrétaire régionale
Regional Secretary

Eastern Valley

Jennifer Nash
Coordonnatrice régionale des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator


Henry Nyman
Secrétaire régional
Regional Secretary


Henry Posthumus
Présidente régionale
Regional President

Ottawa Rideau

Jason Reid
Président régional
Regional President

North Western Ontario

Lorie Smith
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

Georgian Central

Lorie Smith
Secrétaire régionale
Regional Secretary

Georgian Central

Jeff Strenzke
Présidente régionale
Regional President


Nancy Van Sas
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

Golden Horseshoe

Nancy Van Sas
Secrétaire régionale
Regional Secretary

Golden Horseshoe

Leia Weaver
Coordonnateur régional des communications
Regional Communication Coordinator

North Eastern Ontario

To visit the regional landing web pages please click on the Regional Association name below:

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Membership Information

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Cost-share Programs

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Membership Information

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Cost-share Programs

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Membership Information

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Cost-share Programs

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Membership Information

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Cost-share Programs

Founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit farm organization. Our dedicated membership has significant representation in all commodity groups across the province.

Let us help you find what you are looking for

Cost-Share Programs

Explore cost-share funding opportunities offered through OSCIA.

Membership Benefits

Learn more about exclusive membership benefits offered to OSCIA members.

Membership Login

Sign up, renew, and manage your information through our Membership Platform.

Local Information

Check out your region’s landing page to stay up to date with what is happening in your area!


Explore the complimentary workshop and webinar opportunities OSCIA facilitates for producers across the province.

OSCIA Events

Learn more about OSCIA events across the province that bring people together to demonstrate new technologies, share knowledge on innovations and management strategies.

Research and Resources

Learn more about ongoing and past research.

Contact Information

Looking to get in touch? Find who you are looking for.

OSCIA Youtube Channel

Check out our YouTube channel for even more great OSCIA content!

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