Cost-Share Programs

OSCIA delivers several cost-share funding programs that support Ontario’s farmers in implementing best management and sustainability practices on their farms.

Cost-Share Programs Overview

Accepting Applications

Special Provisions for Financial Difficulties

Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Ontario farmers who are experiencing financial difficulty may qualify to access financial advisory services to complete a Farm Financial Analysis.

Accepting Applications

Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP)

Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, as part of the Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Initiative, OSCIA is delivering the Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP), a funding program to support farmers in making their agricultural lands more productive and resilient.

Accepting Applications

Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands (SARPAL)

SARPAL is a Environment and Climate Change Canada initiative that is focused on working with farmers to support the recovery of species at risk on agricultural land. SARPAL funds conservation actions currently focused on supporting 12 target Species at Risk.

Not Accepting Applications

Maple Production Improvement Initiative

Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, eligible maple syrup producers can apply for cost-share funding for woodlot improvement activities conducted by third-party service providers, and costs for equipment that increase producer productivity, efficiency, and growth.

Not Accepting Applications

Species at Risk Farm Incentive Program (SARFIP)

Provides cost-share funding to agricultural landowners to undertake habitat creation, enhancement and protection best management practices (BMPs) that support species at risk.

Not Accepting Applications

Honey Bee Health Initiative

Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, the Honey Bee Health Initiative supports beekeepers in maintaining healthy bee colonies and increasing the sustainability of the beekeeping industry in Ontario. Projects will focus on operational improvements that reduce biosecurity risks, overwintering loss, and to manage or prevent the introduction and spread of honey bee pests and disease, and the purchase of new honey bee stock.

Not Accepting Applications

Nature Smart Climate Readiness Program

The Nature Smart Climate Readiness Program (NSCRP, or Nature Smart) helps support nature-based solutions to store and capture carbon, mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve water quality, and contribute to biodiversity on farms.

On-Farm Climate Action Fund logo
Not Accepting Applications

On Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)

OFCAF is part of the Government of Canada's Agricultural Climate Solutions initiative, supporting farmers through cost-share programming to adopt beneficial management practices (BMPs) that store carbon and reduce greenhouse gases, specifically in the areas of nitrogen management, cover cropping, and rotational grazing practices. These practices also provide other environmental benefits such as improved biodiversity and soil health.

Not Accepting Applications

Agricultural Stewardship Initiative

Under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, as part of the Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Initiative, OSCIA is delivering the Agricultural Stewardship Initiative (ASI), a cost-share funding program to support farmers to accelerate adoption of best management practices (BMPs) supporting soil health, water quality and productivity benefits on agricultural land across Ontario.

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Applying for cost-share funding under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Submitting your application for cost-share funding

Tips to complete your cost-share funding application

Finding the right cost-share opportunity for your farm

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Submitting a Claim?

For other cost-share opportunities delivered by OMAFRA, click here.

For other cost-share opportunities delivered by AAFC, click here.

Have Any Questions?

Find answers to our most frequent questions about
OSCIA-delivered cost-share opportunities.

OSCIA delivers educational opportunities through workshops and webinars, and cost-share incentive programs that support Ontario producers in implementing best management and sustainability practices on their farms. Information on current programs can be found here.

The best way to stay up to date with information on program launches and intake announcements is to sign up to receive OSCIA Program Opportunities emails. You can also follow us on Twitter (@OntarioSoilCrop) or on Facebook (Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association).

No, OSCIA membership is not a requirement to apply for cost-share funding or attend a workshop or webinar. Eligibility requirements for individual cost-share programs are outlined in the respective program guidelines.

Cost-share funding payments are considered taxable income for income tax purposes. An AGR-1 is issued to all farm operations for the calendar year in which they received a cost-share payment.

OSCIA staff are available to provide information on cost-share programs and workshop opportunities. Contact information for OSCIA Field Staff including Regional Program Lead and Workshop Leaders and for OSCIA Provincial Office Staff including program-specific emails can be found here.

The OSCIA YouTube channel has several instructional videos as well as on-farm success videos feature farmers who implemented projects that helped them to grow their profits, expand their markets and manage risks. Explore the videos here.

OSCIA delivers educational opportunities through workshops and webinars, and cost-share incentive programs that support Ontario producers in implementing best management and sustainability practices on their farms. Information on current programs can be found above.

The best way to stay up to date with information on program launches and intake announcements is to sign up to receive OSCIA Program Opportunities emails. You can also follow us on Twitter (@OntarioSoilCrop) or on Facebook (Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association).

No, OSCIA membership is not a requirement to apply for cost-share funding or to attend a workshop or webinar. Eligibility requirements for individual cost-share programs are outlined in the respective program guidelines.

Cost-share funding payments are considered taxable income for income tax purposes. An AGR-1 is issued to all farm businesses for the calendar year in which they received a cost-share payment. 

OSCIA staff are available to provide information on cost-share programs and workshop opportunities. Contact information for OSCIA Field Staff including Regional Program Lead and Workshop Leaders and for OSCIA Provincial Office Staff including program-specific emails can be found here.

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