2023-2028 Collaborative Activities Project Summaries

The Collaborative Activities Grant is available to local and regional associations to support communication events such as: Educational Activities, Field Days, Guest Speakers, Bus Tours, In-Field Trials, or Demonstrations of New Equipment or Management Techniques.

2023-2024 Collaborative Activities Grant Project Summaries

Below are some examples of grants that have been completed over the last fiscal year (April 2023 – March 2024)


Quinte Compaction Day

Local/Regional Association: Quinte and Northumberland SCIAs

Details of Activity:

Quinte Soil and Crop Improvement Association, with local associations in Hastings and Lennox & Addington, Northumberland, and Prince Edward counties, hosted a Compaction Day on September 7, 2023 at Hunco Farms in Cobourg ON.

Roughly one hundred and forty farmers, speakers and sponsors gathered to share and learn about the realities of soil compaction in modern farming and what can be done about it.

The morning included three interactive sessions on tire technology and how to choose the right tire setup, how the right cover crop mix can mitigate compaction, and how farmers can assess their own soils by looking below the surface. OMAFRA soil scientists Jim Warren and Sebastian Belliard provided hands-on demonstrations.

The main event in the afternoon was a compaction sensing demonstration utilizing the OSCIA Mobile Soil Technology Suite and OMAFRA Soil Compaction Team. A variety of farm equipment rolled over sensors installed 6, 10 and 20 inches below ground in wet and dry conditions. Data from the sensors were displayed on a 7×10 foot high resolution screen. Spectators could see, in real time, the potential of each tire and track to compact the soil at the three depths. Steve Sickle and Warren Schneckenburger (OSCIA’s current and past presidents at the time of the compaction day, respectively) were on hand to explain and discuss with the crowd implications in the context of real-world farming. Head-to-head comparisons were made between radials, VR tires and tracks on grain buggies. Spectators learned that large heavy equipment can have a relatively small impact on the soil with the right setup, while a small piece of equipment on the wrong tires can be surprisingly poor. Both Warren and Steve have made changes to equipment on their own farms based on what they learned at past events held elsewhere in the province. Changes that resulted in significant economic returns. The Quinte Compaction Day was a fantastic learning opportunity for farmers, giving them real-life information with which to make improvements on their own operations.

Important to Note: 140 individuals attended the event. Gord Speksnijder is the contact if you have additional questions.

Nitrogen and better ways to make the most of it

Local/Regional Association: Halton SCIA

Details of Activity:

As a county we approached Central when a decision was made that our thrust for the year would be “Nitrogen and its best use”. We started with a KTT event held at Country Heritage Park, on the evening of 25th April 2023. We focused our attention on the Fertilizer Institutes 4R program. Also on how to get the best bang for our dollar.

This event was attended by not only members from Peel, but also by members from across Ontario who were wanting more information to apply personally for OSCIA programs. At that meeting we had an attendance of 60 plus.

Within the association, we set up a plot of corn to compare corn that had a nitrogen coating with a slow-release coating called PurYield, and urea bulk, spread and incorporated. This was at Lance Pocock’s farm just west of Palermo, Oakville, Halton.

The oversight of this plot was undertaken by Greg Kitching, a former OSCIA president, and current chief agrologist with Premier Equipment and Dean Shantz with Agrico/PurYield. There were two replicates of this treatment in the plot. Due to the weather, the crop was late being planted, into a heavy clay, which manifested itself in some wet spots which unfortunately affected the outcome. The report is attached, and the drone footage shows it on the map.

A summer evening event was held at the Palermo plot and was attended by 55 people. We had speakers from Agrico/PurYield. Other speaker talks were about tissue sampling vs. soil sampling; what values should be seen on soil sampling results, plus the use of nitrogen inhibitors as well as associated products which gives a one pass system versus multi pass with possible tramping damage.

As you can see from the report, there were no conclusive results when this crop was harvested in December 2023 due to the wet spots and extensive bird damage. The results were presented at the Halton Annual General Meeting. We may follow through with a second plot in 2024 to see if we can achieve more conclusive results, as both of these types of product come with a cost which has to bring with it a profit, while being assessed for nitrogen being lost to the atmosphere.

Important to Note: 60 individuals on average attended the events. Peter Lambrick is the contact if you have additional questions.

2023 Bus Trip

Local/Regional Association: North Simcoe SCIA

Details of Activity:

NSSCIA bus trip to the Algoma district ran Monday, July 17 to Thursday July 20. After a short hiatus, we were ready to visit plenty of interesting stops in Northern Ontario. This was our 45th annual bus trip. The Algoma district of our province is one where many haven’t travelled often. We visited the MNR Tarentorous Fish Culture Station, Penokean Hills Farm abattoir near Bruce Mines (a recent enterprise), and a farm with Sand Hill Crane issues. They are becoming more frequent in North Simcoe. It was an exciting trip.

Important to Note: 50 individuals attended the event. Nicole Cross is the contact if you have additional questions.

AGM Guest Speaker

Local/Regional Association: Prince Edward SCIA

Details of Activity:

A very successful Annual General Meeting was held on February 16, 2024 at the Bloomfield Church Hall for the Prince Edward Soil and Crop members, guests and potential new members. Guest speakers included Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson and Steven Kell. Peter’s topic was ‘Wheat Pete’s Word on Top Tips for Top Yields in 2024’ and Steve Kell provided the ‘Kell Grain 2024 Market Update’.

Approximately 50 guests were in attendance and the survey results proved everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day and provided input on future speakers and topic ideas.  

Important to Note: 50 individuals attended the event. Patti Stacey is the contact if you have additional questions.

Twilight Tour

Local/Regional Association: Lambton SCIA

Details of Activity:

The evening event was to focus on field drainage and how it impacts both soil health as well as water quality. One stop was a soil pit where Dan Saurette from OMAFRA reviewed soil horizons and showed how the field drainage tile impacted the soil.

Another stop was OMAFRA’s soil health team where they used tools from the MSTS for soil health assessments like water infiltration rings and compaction readings. Tests were done over and between tile to see the differences in soil health tests.

The last stop was technicians from the St.Clair Conservation Authority at a tile outlet where they talked about BMP’s for outlets such as erosion control methods and OMAFRA’s Kevin McKague spoke on controlled drainage.

After dinner Tony Kilne from Bluewater Pipe talked about how field drainage has changed overtime, drainage system design, and how to maintain a drainage system.

Important to Note: 190 individuals attended the event. Chad Anderson is the contact if you have additional questions.

2023 In-Field Nitrogen Loss Summary

Local/Regional Association: Brant SCIA

Details of Activity:

Brant SCIA led a dosimeter study documenting nitrogen loss in wheat and corn during the 2023 growing season.

During the spring and summer of 2023, Brant Soil & Crop Improvement Association (SCIA) led a trial documenting nitrogen (N) loss through volatilization using the methodology outlined by Marijke Van Andel in her master’s thesis Development of a Simple and Affordable Method of Measuring Ammonia Volatilization from Land Applied Manures. Holly Loucas, the current president of Golden Horseshoe SCIA and a member of Brant SCIA’s Board, spearheaded this pilot project, adapting and tweaking the thesis methodology and testing it within various field conditions with the assistance of fellow Brant SCIA Directors participating in the data collection. The results of this pilot dosimeter trial were surprising to the participants. In all locations there were losses of N due to volatilization. Weather and time of application, as expected, affected the amount of N that was lost. As temperatures increased, N volatility increased. If an inhibitor was applied with the N, the losses were dramatically lower at all locations. The study tested N applied to both winter wheat and corn under real field conditions and different management strategies representing growers across Brant County. Results of this study were presented at an evening BSCIA in-field event and a complete summary presented at the BSCIA AGM in January. The pilot study was a success and highlighted that we need to learn more about how and when we are losing N to volatilization and is a great learning tool to improve cropping practices to keep N losses to a minimum.

Brant SCIA will be undertaking this study during the 2024 season to further document N losses under different field and weather conditions. Several other counties in Ontario have expressed interest in participating in 2024. The study is simple, yet effective in documenting N loss through volatilization.

Important to Note: 115 individuals attended two events. Holly Loucas is the contact if you have additional questions.


AGM Guest Speaker

Local/Regional Association: Dundas SCIA

Details of Activity:

On December 5, 2023, Dundas Soil and Crop Improvement Association hosted Heather Watson from Farm Management Canada. Heather presented on “Healthy Minds, Healthy Farms: Exploring the Connection between Mental Health and Farm Business Management”. This event was held at Chesterville Legion.

Important to Note: 65 individuals attended the event. Jessica Menkhorst is the contact if you have additional questions.

Bus Trip to Illinois

Local/Regional Association: East Central SCIA

Details of Activity:

August 25 – Drove to Fairoaks Dairy, Indiana. Fair Oaks Farm, Indiana, one of the largest dairy farms in the United States. Dairy Adventure to see the future of dairy farming in the Robotic Dairy, and the Crop Adventure to learn all about modern crop farming practices, and the importance of our soil and the future of farming. Had a tour of their dairy barns, education centre and restaurant. The ultimate agri-tourism.

August 26 – Half Century Farm Progress Show. Amazing displays and demonstrations of  equipment.

August 27 – Tour Indianapolis Motor Speedway & Museum. Most famous race track in the world, and home of the Indy 500, the world’s largest sporting event.

August 28 – Tour F.S. Growmark river barge facility in Havana, Illinois. Here they export 33,000,000 bushels of grain annually. We toured the F.S. Growmark river barge terminal that receives approx.. 300,000 tonnes of fertilizer for distribution across the mid-west. Tour the Old Red Farm Shed, a world famous Internation Harvester Tractor collection. Video is available on YouTube under “Machinery Pete”.

August 29 – We attended the Farm Progress Show, the biggest farm show in the U.S.

August 30 – Headed home. An amazing tour through small town America.

Important to Note: 26 individuals participated in the bus trip. Neil Moore is the contact if you have additional questions.

Virtual Event of Soil and Crop Management Info

Local/Regional Association: Georgian Central SCIA

Details of Activity:

Continuing on the success of Virtual Crop Walks hosted during COVID, the Georgian Region hosted a virtual event with a  speaker that is known to draw a crowd. Dr. Lee Briese was the guest speaker for Georgian Region’s July 27th Soil Health Open Discussion night. Lee Briese is a Doctor of Plant Health, agronomist and soil scientist who works for Centrol Ag consulting in North Dakota, USA. He scouts around 83,000 acres of crop land and helps farmers improve crop health, production and their bottom line with philosophy based around the following five soil health principes: soil armour, minimize soil disturbance, diversity, continuous living roots in the soi, and livestock integration.

The virtual meeting was open to anyone across Ontario, with a  recording available for those unable to tune in live due to wheat harvest and other farming activities. Sadly, only 21 people tuned in for the live event, but the demand for the recording has been strong. Anyone who requested the video, and all Georgian members received the video. It will also be available on YouTube. An article will be in the Ontario Farmer newspaper.

Dr. Briese encouraged participants to “choose their own adventure”, and responded to questions posed by them. As per the article that Emily McKague wrote for the September Innovator, discussions centered around: managing corn residue (cut higher); selecting corn crops (don’t plant a weed or host to significant pests); compaction (don’t work wet soils/cover crops with aggressive root systems can help); beneficial insects (Syrphid flies and Ladybugs are very effective); the impact of fungicides on soil fungi (likely low); whether compost teas could act as a fungicide (likely limited efficacy); nutrients that are released and available from cover crops (this is tough to measure); manipulating carbon to nitrogen rations with cover crops (not a short term fix); and managing straw stubble prior to corn (similar to managing corn stubble). Suffice it to say, Dr. Briese was a hard speaker to stump with a question!

Important to Note: 21 attended the virtual event; the recording has been made widely available. Lorie Smith is the contact if you have additional questions.

Grey SCIA Crop Walk

Local/Regional Association: Grey SCIA

Details of Activity:

A Crop Walk was held on July 18th in the.Annan area, focusing on soil, and other crops. Three soil pits were dug in advance of the day. Approximately 65 people were in attendance, too many to safely and effectively observe the soil pits in detail. The MSTS trailer was vital in our ability to ensure that everyone could see and hear what the experts were highlighting in the pits. Our experts included Alex Barrie, Jim Warren, Daniel Saurette from OMAFRA, and Deb Campbell from Agronomy Advantage. The first two soil pits were in a corn field (in a corn/bean/wheat rotation). One portion of the field grows crops well, the other does not. The soil profiles combined with SWAT maps and soil test results did provide some information as to why this yield discrepancy was evident. The third soil pit was in an alfalfa field. Attendees learned about soil structure, general soil health, compaction, and much more. Tile drainage was also discussed.

Even though the county soil map showed consistent soil types within the field, the soil pits showed varying soil types (Harkaway silt loam to Wiarton silt loam). The soil pits also demonstrated compaction layers from machinery operating when the field was too wet or cattle compaction from grazing when field conditions weren’t ideal. A soil pit in a 6-year-old alfalfa field showed how the alfalfa roots could penetrate through the soil layers to improve drainage and soil health.

The SWAT maps were consistent with the farmers experience within the field (drainage issues, winter wheat survivability, etc.). The SWAT maps indicated that some areas of the field should be soil sampled. After the soil samples were done where indicated by the SWAT maps, it was determined that some sections of the field would benefit from a variable rate lime application.

ln addition to the soil pits, some field crops were scouted including wheat management with PGR, and Enlist soybeans. The experts that were on hand to scout these fields included: Deb Campbell from Agronomy Advantage; Carrie Davenport from Georgian View Ag Services Ltd., and Henry Buffinga from Corteva. Jake Munroe from OMAFRA delivered an excellent presentation on cover crops, complete with potted samples of various species.

Important to Note: 65 people attended the event. Lorie Smith is the contact for additional information.

Cover Crop Bus Tour

Local/Regional Association: Huron SCIA

Details of Activity:

This tour supported peer-to-peer learning as producers toured three farms where cover crops are being utilized in different ways.  These included using a multi-species mix after wheat harvest, planting rye after late-season corn, and grazing cover crops.  Hosts explained their successes and challenges with these practices.  Participants also learned about cover crops, best management practices, and the innovative drainage project taking place at the Huronview Demonstration Farm in Clinton.  An informative tour of the grain terminal in Goderich also took place.

A post-tour evaluation showed that the majority of participants found the tour stops useful, and they enjoyed continuing the discussions on the bus.  Although the majority of the participants already use cover crops, 25% indicated they were going to try something new after hearing something on the tour.

The tour was promoted to membership via email, various websites, and social media.   

Important to Note: 28 people attended the bus tour. Sharon Devine is the contact for additional information.

OSCIA Summer Tour

Local/Regional Association: Elgin & Middlesex SCIAs

Details of Activity:

Phil Oegema hosted the OSCIA summer meeting at his grain elevator on Wonderland Rd. S. Talbotville on August 18-19, 2023. The Friday event began with a Tillage talk by equipment dealers who had brought high speed discs to the location. Due to heavy rain the night before, we could not run the discs, but dealers pointed out the unique features of each. Then a Tillage talk was led by Peter Johnson and Greg Stewart.

Dan Saurette, OMAFRA Resource Specialist, led a lively discussion around the soil pit. This location has Gobles soil – the most prominent soil type in Elgin county.

Peter Johnson and Greg Stewart invited 3 local farmers – Gord Green, Ken Nixon and Mac Ferguson to share their experiences and opinions about seeding cover crops. This event qualified as a Knowledge Sharing Event for OFCAF as well.

Beau’s Treat Trailer moved in to serve ice cream to guests compliments of Oegema Grains.

Following that, there was a Nitrogen discussion titled the “Seven most important questions to know about Nitrogen” led by Peter Johnson and Greg Stewart. This was also a KSE for OFCAF. Some folks attended specifically for these sessions.

Railway City Brewery was on site to share their brews and other beverages with the crowd.

Dinner was catered by Appin BBQ and featured a Butter Tart challenge. During supper and into the evening, we enjoyed the music of local talent Connor Wilson.

Everyone reconvened the following morning to board the buses to heat to the Tirecraft warehouse in Ingergsoll, Whitecrest Mushrooms at Putnam, Hayhoe Hops at Aylmer and the new Agrico fertilizer plant in St. Thomas.

This was an excellent event to showcase the local area as well as the Thames Valley Region.

Important to Note: 130 individuals attended the event. Marian Desjardine or Margaret May are the contacts if you have additional questions.

Norfolk Compaction Day

Local/Regional Association: Norfolk and Golden Horseshoe SCIAs

Details of Activity:

The event highlighted to growers that compaction is an issue for lighter soils which is contrary to common opinion. The varied agriculture of Norfolk allowed us to demonstrate both field crop and horticultural equipment travelling over the sensors buried in the light soil.

The three information sessions rotated through provided insight to growers on management of lighter soils. The benefits of cover crops in lighter soil was demonstrated by visually identifying the different root systems and growth patterns of different cover crop species. The soil pit areas highlighted different soil zones of this region and their formation. Knowing the origin of their soils can help growers to know the aspects of management that will need to be monitored closely for these soil types. The tire technology stop highlighted old and new technology in tires and how this can impact compaction on your soil as equipment passes over the ground.

Important to Note: 200 people attended this event. Nancy van Sas is the contact if you have additional questions.

Agri-Tourism Bus Trip

Local/Regional Association: Renfrew SCIA

Details of Activity:

On Wednesday July 19th the RSCIA embarked on a one day bus tour to visit three Agri-Food businesses in the province of Quebec. The tour began with pickups in Cobden, Renfrew and Arnprior, before making it’s first stop at Agri-Fusion in St-Polycarpe,QC. 

Agri-Fusion is a 2650 hectare, 100% organic, farm producing cereals, vegetables and legumes.

The general manager gave attendees a detailed presentation explaining the origins and vision of the farm, as well as the methods used, to plant, manage and harvest crops within the confines of organic certification. In addition, Agri-Fusion also grows crops that must be harvested fresh for the canning market. This requires very specialized co-ordination  between the farm and the purchaser to ensure that quality standards are met.

Tour goers were then invited to explore the farm’s specialized equipment and ask any remaining questions one on one. 

Agri-Fusion is a progressive operation that actively invests in new technology. They are currently developing a proprietary application that will optimize planting and crop management based on historical and current data. All farms are subject to the challenges of nature but Agri-Fusion is especially vulnerable and is hoping to use the app to mitigate risk whenever possible. 

The bus then travelled to Ferme Quinn on Notre-Dame-de-I’île Perrot, QC

Ferme Quinn is a second generation family farm specializing in pick your own fruits and vegetables. It began as a vacant field in 1982 and has been carefully nurtured into a thriving business that now employees upwards of 50 workers each year while welcoming thousands of visitors 6 days a week.

In addition to the produce fields, there is an animal barn, an ag-based play yard for children and a farm shop.

Ferme Quinn is neither fully organic or fully conventional. Crops are managed using the best means available with an educated focus on supporting the natural environment whenever possible. Sheep are used for weed control between the Christmas trees. Hormone rings are attached to apple trees to stave off moths and avoid pesticides.

While touring the fields of blueberries, strawberries and pumpkins, visitors were invited to view the farms active bee hives. Owner, Phillip Quinn and his son Keith gave an in depth demonstration of hive management, structure and the hives place in a well balanced environment. 

The tour then travelled to the final stop, Sucrerie de la Montagne in Rigaud QC.

Here, the coach was met by a team of horses and wagons and delivered a short distance up the hill to our supper destination. Like Ferme Quinn, the Sucrerie began small and has been intentionally expanded throughout the years to foster a very specific environment. Syrup is still collected in tin pails. There are no lines running through the trees. The buildings are made of log and rough cut lumber with tin roofs to preserve the feeling of a genuine pioneer operation.

The Sucrerie hosts a Sugaring off feast year round. During the sap season they can be accommodate 2000 visitors per weekend. On site overnight cabins and multiple halls with dining areas also make the Sucrerie and ideal location for weddings and family getaways.

Each of the locations visited excel at what they do. They are actively investing in improving their operations evolving to meet the needs of their market. (Provided by Charlotte Reaburn -Bus Trip Participant)

Important to Note: 48 people participated in the bus trip. Brandy MacLeod is the contact if you have additional questions.

Bus Tour 2023

Local/Regional Association: Prescott-Russell SCIA

Details of Activity:

The Russell Soil and Crop brought all members to visit farms in Winchester. First stop was Ingredion, in Cardinai. We also visited Winchester Research Station and Rutters Elevator in Winchester.

Important to Note: 40 people participated in the bus trip. Marc Laflèche is the contact if you have additional questions.

Crop Tour

Local/Regional Association: Temiskaming Crops Coalition

Details of Activity:

The day began at the Ontario Crops Research Centre – New Liskeard. Guests were shown the trials and research happening at the centre, did a walk through of the new building and had their new equipment out for viewing. A BBQ dinner followed, with plenty of opportunity to network and socialize. Following, there was a twilight bus tour showcasing a variety of crops being grown this year!

Important to Note: 80 people attended the event. Rachel Kehoe is the contact if you have any additional questions.

Ag Innovation Spotlight

Local/Regional Association: Wellington SCIA

Details of Activity:

Several innovations in the agricultural sector were highlighted such as cover crops, reduced tillage, central inflation systems, manure injection systems, soil health indicators, cropping systems, new sprayer technology, tractor innovations, robotic milking systems and uses/benefits of drone imagery.

Important to Note: 79 people attended this event. Linda McFadden is the contact if you have any additional questions.

Guest Speakers at AGM

Local/Regional Association: Wellington SCIA

Details of Activity:

The Wellington County Soil and Crop Improvement Association held it’s annual general meeting on December 1, 2023.

Greg Stewart spoke on “Biologicals: The talk and the Walk”. This was the first time we have had a speaker on this topic. Greg provided thought provoking and interesting information on the use of biologicals. There were a lot of questions for Greg on this topic.

Dr. Laura Van Eerd, Professor of Sustainable Soil Management at the University of Guelph spoke on her soil health assessment project with an emphasis on cover crops and soils related topics.

Dean Shantz spoke on PurYield Controlled Release Fertilizer. He took us on a virtual tour of the plant in St. Thomas and spoke how their product could help farmers increase their bottom line and still focus on environmental sustainability.

Deb Campbell, a local agronomist provided a “neutral” look at All Things Nitrogen with a focus on inhibitors and coated nitrogen.

Our directors discussed the program at our director’s meeting and the following evaluations were observed:

  • Interesting and well put together program
  • very timely topic
  • all of the speakers were well versed in their topics and judging from the number of questions from the group, the speakers and topics were well received.

Important to Note: 50 people attended the event. Linda McFadden is the contact if you have any additional questions.

Verner Crop Info Day

Local/Regional Association: West Nipissing/East Sudbury SCIA

Details of Activity:

The day was spent viewing educational videos about agriculture. We decided on videos talking about different crop production and impacts, climate, DIY projects, fertilizer application and also a little bit of practices and impacts of farming in other countries. We also had some time to discuss these topics.

Important to Note: 34 people attended the event. Matt Roberge is the contact if you have any additional questions.

Guest Speakers at AGM/Educational Meeting

Local/Regional Association: York SCIA

Details of Activity:

David Phillips, environmental climatologist and television personality addressed our annual meeting. His message was that climate changes have presented many challenges to farmers. The conditions today are different than they were decades ago and there is evidence that there are more « surprises » with the weather than in the past. There is also evidence to support that the weather has become more extreme. Although the normal now is to expect the unexpected, David’s message was that just as we have adopted crops that were not traditionally grown in Ontario (such as ginseng, okra and grapes along the north shore of Lake Ontario we can utilize the change in climate to our advantage. There will be more need for food produced by fewer farmers on

less arable land. By acknowledging the change in climate it will be possible for farmers in Ontario and Canada to be quite successful not just by regenerative agricultural practices but through innovation in crop adoption.


Our second speaker at the York Soil and Crop Association annual meeting was Tim May. Tim is a dairy farmer from Wellington County who maintains a Social Media presence as « Farmer Tim’. Tim’s focus was that as the public becomes more urbanized, they are less aware of agricultural practices. As they are very familiar with the Internet, they derive much of their information through this medium. Unfortunately, not all the information available is factual and much is biased and misleading. Further, the increasing urbanization means that many of those who live adjacent to farms are unfamiliar with farming practices. Tim explained how he tries simply to describe his day to day activities on his social media sites. He tries not to enter into arguments with those on the web but rather explains in a balanced way what he does and why. He noted that all of us are « agvocates » whether we like it or not. The public sees what we are doing and are not just curious but are concerned. He quoted that « trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair ». Given that, Tim advised that our communications be positive and genuine; we find common ground; and, we think outside the box.

Important to Note: 85 people attended the event. Tom Patterson is the contact if you have additional questions.

Promoting Women in Ag & OSCIA

Local/Regional Association: Ottawa Rideau SCIA

Details of Activity:

On September 14, 2023, the Eastern Ontario Women in Ag Network held their 1st Annual Golf Tournament at Anderson Links golf course in Metcalfe Ontario. The objective of the golf course itself was to promote and connect women in ag and rural areas across eastern Ontario.

For us, the objective was to be there to gain awareness of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association and make connections to increase membership and possibly more volunteers for events we host or are part of.

The tournament had approximately 100 attendees, and of the 100 attendees there were many interested in who OSCIA is, what we do, and how we support grain growers both locally and provincially.

Important to Note:Approximately 100 attended the event. Kelsey Banks is the contact if you have any additional questions.

Funding Statement

These projects were funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a five-year federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

The views expressed in the reports are the views of OSCIA and do not necessarily reflect those of the Province or Canada.

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