Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

About the Honey Bee Health Initiative

Not Accepting Applications
Not Accepting Applications

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Honey Bee Health Initiative helps to support beekeepers in maintaining healthy honey bee colonies as well as grow their number of colonies to increase the sustainability of the beekeeping industry in Ontario. Projects will focus on:

  • Operational improvements that reduce biosecurity risks, overwintering loss, and to manage or prevent the introduction and spread of honey bee pests and disease
  • Purchase of or modification to equipment or facilities necessary to improve hive health management practices
  • Adoption or implementation of best management practices to prevent the introduction and spread of honey bee pests and diseases within a beekeeping operation
  • Sampling and analysis for pests and diseases
  • Purchase of new honey bee stock or queens to ensure healthy honey bees with genetic diversity and selection are integrated into Ontario’s honey bee population

What do you need to apply?


Carefully read the Honey Bee Health Initiative Program Guide as only eligible and complete applications will be considered. The Program Guide provides information on eligible activities and costs, available cost-share, required application documentation, and provides a link to the OSCIA Portal.


Applications to the Honey Bee Health Initiative are submitted electronically through the OSCIA Portal. You will need to create an account and complete the Enrolment Form on the OSCIA Portal to be able to apply.


The following must be included with an application submission:

  • Application Form
  • Valid certificate of registration issued under the Bees Act (in the name of the applicant) for the current beekeeping season
  • Proof of having completed a pest management course related to honeybees and specific to Ontario within the last two (2) years; or proof of completing a diploma or degree in beekeeping within the last five (5) years from a recognized institution
  • Quotes or proposals for all proposed activities to support costs

Are you looking for information on the Honey Bee Health Initiative?

Funding supports operational improvements that reduce biosecurity risks, overwinter loss, and to manage or prevent the introduction and spread of honey bee pests and disease.

50% cost-share funding up to a maximum of $25,000 per registered commercial beekeeper and $4,500 per registered hobbyist beekeeper.


The Program Guide provides information on eligibility criteria, available cost-share, limits of cost-share funding and more; carefully read the guide before applying.



Applications are submitted electronically through the OSCIA Portal. You will need to create an account and complete the program enrolment. 



To find information about honey bee health and beekeeping in Ontario, including regulations, registration, permits, and resources. 



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Do you have questions about the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership?

Submitting a claim?

Refer to the instructions in your approval notification letter and the review the information in the online program guide. 

Interested in exploring other cost-share opportunities?

Funding Statement

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a 5-year (2023-2028), $3.5-billion investment by federal‐provincial and territorial governments to strengthen competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. This includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and a $2.5 billion commitment that is cost-shared 60 per cent federally and 40 per cent provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by the provinces and territories.

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