The OSCIA Soil and Crop Sustainability Fund supports expanded research on soil health through the Soil Health Graduate Scholarship and the OSCIA Internal Fund.
Congratulations to the 2022 Soil Health Graduate Scholarship Recipient, Zachary Buchanan
Research Topic: Zachary is a Master of Science student in Environmental Sciences who is investigating the combined use of 4R nitrogen management techniques and cover crops and their effect on nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soils in an Ontario grain production system. Zachary is working under Dr. Laura Van Eerd, professor of Sustainable Soil Management.
This work is being carried out under the supervision of Dr. Laura Van Eerd who is a specialist in sustainable soil management. The goal of this research is to quantify the release of nitrous oxide from various combinations of 4R and cover crop systems in order to develop management strategies which better utilize nitrogen fertilizers. Minimizing nitrogen losses to the environment and utilizing tools such as cover crops are critical for creating and maintaining sustainable production systems.
What is the Soil and Crop Sustainability Fund?
The Soil and Crop Sustainability Fund has two components. The first supports expanded research on soil health through the OSCIA/OAC Soil Health Graduate Scholarship in soil management; and the second is an Internal Fund that provides financial support to selected applied research and knowledge transfer projects.The OSCIA Sustainability Fund is one of a number of Research Initiatives undertaken by Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association.
Soil Health Graduate Scholarship
A ‘Soil Health Graduate Scholarship’ of $10,000 per year is available to graduate students focused on soil health or soil quality research. Recipient selection is completed internally by the University of Guelph. OSCIA will be involved in collaboration and communication of research where possible. The Soil Health Graduate Scholarship was established by OSCIA in partnership with the University of Guelph and through the generous contributions of OSCIA Founding Partners to the Sustainability Fund. The scholarship was launched in 2015 and will be available until at least 2024.
OSCIA Internal Fund
The OSCIA Internal Fund will support on-farm applied research for soil health, as well as outreach and communication of results. The Executive Committee receives project proposals and makes decisions on how the funds are utilized.
Interested in donating to the OSCIA Sustainability Fund?
Pledge Form
Complete the Pledge Formand forward to OSCIA as directed on the form. Donations to the Soil Health Graduate Scholarship will be provided with a charitable tax receipt from the University of Guelph.
Research Topic: Zachary is a Master of Science student in Environmental Sciences who is investigating the combined use of 4R nitrogen management techniques and cover crops and their effect on nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural soils in an Ontario grain production system. Zachary is working under Dr. Laura Van Eerd, professor of Sustainable Soil Management.
This work is being carried out under the supervision of Dr. Laura Van Eerd who is a specialist in sustainable soil management. The goal of this research is to quantify the release of nitrous oxide from various combinations of 4R and cover crop systems in order to develop management strategies which better utilize nitrogen fertilizers. Minimizing nitrogen losses to the environment and utilizing tools such as cover crops are critical for creating and maintaining sustainable production systems.
Samantha is researching the relationship between soil nitrous oxide production and surface flux under freeze-thaw cycles as impacted by winter warming and cover crops. This work is being completed under the supervision of Dr. Claudia Wagner-Riddle to determine how soil nitrous oxide production patterns are altered by environmental and management conditions. The aim of this research is to improve the modelling of nitrous oxide production and emissions during freeze-thaw cycles which will allow for improved greenhouse gas budgeting accuracy.
Jacob completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Guelph and was involved with many programs offered on campus. His undergraduate studies inspired him to further pursue graduate studies with the School of Environmental Sciences. In his words, “This led to one of most exciting times of my life, as I am passionate about the work I do and the potential to engage in environmental remediation research.” Jacobs research looks to address the effect of freeze-thaw cycling on the biogeochemical dynamic of phosphorus in southern Ontario riparian buffer zones.
The Covid-19 pandemic slowed his initial progress, however, he qualified for a critical research permit and continued his work on campus during these unprecedented times.
Water conservation and how different farming practices specifically the crop rotation employed, can affect water dynamics in that particular field. Hopes to show that by increasing the diversity of crops grown in a field and with careful management we can increase the amount of water available to plants.
Formation of recalcitrant soil organic matter which is the largest terrestrial carbon pool. Looking specifically at the role of soil microorganisms in forming recalcitrant soil organic matter.
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