Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership

About the Agricultural Stewardship Initiative

Not Accepting Applications
Not Accepting Applications

As part of the Ontario Agricultural Sustainability Initiative, the Agricultural Stewardship Initiative (ASI), provides cost-share funding to support farmers to accelerate the adoption of best management practices (BMPs) supporting soil health, water quality and productivity benefits on agricultural land across Ontario. The Initiative also provides enhanced funding on a regional basis for projects contributing to phosphorus reductions in the Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair watershed areas. Projects will focus on:

  • Equipment Modifications to Improve Manure Application
  • Equipment Modifications to Reduce Soil Compaction
  • Nutrient Application Equipment Modifications
  • Nutrient Management & Soil Health Planning
  • Erosion Control Structures
  • Adding Organic Amendments
  • Equipment and Technology to Enhance Manure Storage
  • Basic Energy Use Assessment (Level 1)
  • Detailed Energy Audit (Level 2)
  • Energy Efficiency Improvements
  • Larger-Scale Energy Efficiency Improvements

What do you need to apply?


Carefully read the Agricultural Stewardship Initiative Program Guide as only eligible and complete applications will be considered. The Program Guide provides information on eligible activities and costs, available cost-share, required application documentation, and provides a link to the OSCIA Portal. Sign up for an Online Information Session.


Applications to the Agricultural Stewardship Initiative are submitted electronically through the OSCIA Portal. You will need to create an account and complete the Enrolment Form on the OSCIA Portal to be able to apply.

The following must be included with an application submission:
  • Application Form
  • Valid premises identification (PID) number (for details, visit
  • Certificate of completion for a 4th Edition Environmental Farm Plan
  • Documentation to support an eligible farm business (only if an FBRN has not been provided)
  • If requesting the increased cost-share level, a copy of an eligible, complete Farmland Health Check-Up must have been submitted by the participating Certified Crop Advisor or Professional Agrologist

Are you looking for information on the Agricultural Stewardship Initiative?

Funding supports equipment modifications to improve manure application, reduce soil compaction, improve nutrient application, and nutrient management and soil health planning.

For information on available cost-share, visit the Program Guide.


The Program Guide provides information on eligibility criteria, available cost-share, limits of cost-share funding and more; carefully read the guide before applying.



Applications are submitted electronically through the OSCIA Portal. You will need to create an account and complete the program enrolment. 



For information on the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Workshop, including how to register for a workshop.

If your farm is located in the Lake Erie or Lake St. Clair watersheds, you can find information on completing a free, Farmland Health Check-Up (FHCU).

Stay up-to-date! Join the OSCIA Programs mailing list.

Do you have questions about the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership?

Submitting a claim?

Refer to the instructions in your approval notification letter and the review the information in the online program guide. 

Interested in exploring other cost-share opportunities?

Funding Statement

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) is a 5-year (2023-2028), $3.5-billion investment by federal‐provincial and territorial governments to strengthen competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of the agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector. This includes $1 billion in federal programs and activities and a $2.5 billion commitment that is cost-shared 60 per cent federally and 40 per cent provincially/territorially for programs that are designed and delivered by the provinces and territories.

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